Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I have a question: How Often Do You Vacuum Your Home?

I have been asking myself how often I should be vacuuming my floors for at least the past three years and I'm still not sure! Some people say once a week, some say everyday. I once heard from someone that you should vacuum once a day per person that lives in the house. Lately I find myself vacuuming at LEAST every other day just because my kids like to dump the bowl of dry cereal on the floor and pretend they are on a treasure hunt for O's. It's cute, but messy.

I dont really mind vacuuming and my husband is nice enough to do it for me if I dont want to. However, my second and third floors tend to only get vacuumed once every two months. There isn't a lot of foot traffic up there or activity so I can usually get away with it.

But this begs the question: How Often Should You Clean Your Bathrooms? How Often Should You Clean Your Oven? Your Refrigerator? Your Laundry room?
Most of the time I just do it when I cant stand the filth. But I'm wondering..... Should I be cleaning more?

1 comment:

  1. My mother would say your floors should be clean enough to eat off of every day!!!! I say vacuum/sweep when its crunchy, you can see stuff, or you are having company. lol As for cleaning the bathrooms, my motto is "if people are gonna see it, it needs to be cleaned." However, you know what my reality is....shhhh, don't tell anybody.....
