Saturday, July 9, 2011

Finishing This Chapter

This weekend is my last drilling weekend for the United States Navy. It's a bittersweet event in my life.
I met my husband in the Navy, made great friends, and learned quite a bit. Most of my Reserve time was spent with child and all I could think about was how much I didn't want to have to attend these long weekends of sitting around listening to people who also didn't know what was going on.
I think back on my time where I was actually serving and gaining an Active Duty paycheck. Boot camp was something I will never forget and I am very grateful for my experience there. It's the whole reason I wanted to join the military. My "A" School was a different story. I had levels of freedom I hadn't had before. Single, free, aware of my youth. And I met my fantasy of a man there and engaged in a shotgun marriage shortly after getting my next set of Orders.
Before all of this though, I read a book. Starship Troopers. Recommended by someone who had a great influence on my life at the time. The author wrote of True Citizenship by serving in the military and that had a profound impact on my life. I wanted to serve my country and gain what I believed true citizenship.
I also thought that by joining the military I would have a way to get myself out of my parents' home and out on my own. Gain some life experience and see things I never thought possible. I thought I'd have a few tours under my belt by the time I got out. I never set foot on a plane again for the military after returning home. I've never done anything but GTMs on the Navy's schooling system acronymed NKO.
I'm not going to lie and say I'm fine with this. I'm not. I'm disappointed in how my career ended up. Truly heart broken to be frank. But on the other hand, I know that it will give me more opportunity to spend with my family. My kids need me as their constant considering my husband has his own Active Duty Military Career to focus on. So now, I'll take on the role of Navy Wife completely. I'm happy to do so, but I am very sad this part of my life is over.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you thought it would but I am so happy that you found the 'man of your dreams' and have your wonderful children to take care of. I love you...
