Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Floss & Jump

There's a reason I haven't updated lately. I NEED BATTERIES FOR MY CAMERA!

Blogging without pictures makes me feel like I'm not giving you what you deserve!!! So much has been going on that I wanted to show y'all.

My little girl, Sophia, had her first dentist appointment last Friday and totally ROCKED it. She sat in my lap while I (painfully) got my teeth cleaned. The hygienist and dentist were so personable and didn't mind helping me with my babies at all. They kept my baby boy, Asher, company the whole time. Such a wonderful experience. And when it was Sophia's turn she laid back nicely and opened her mouth so they could look and polish her cute little teeth. She's amazing. They are both amazing. I am blessed.

This weekend we got Asher Zane a bouncer and he's been going nuts in it. He sits in it playing with all the toys and spinning around and jumping and making this crazy noise. Haha. He's insane!

Sunday's food grab was a blessing. They offered diapers, mac n' cheese, books, peaches, and almond Nature's Own bars. Those really save me when I'm hungry but don't really feel like eating.

Well, I am going to conclude with this. My little kids are wanting Mommy to pay attention to them. Maybe today I can get one of them to actually say "Mommy"! Ciao, Bella!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I miss you and the kids so much. Can't wait to see you when I get home.....
